June 01, 2020

Homecoming/Reunion will be two celebrations in one in 2021

The global pandemic has reordered everyone’s plans, social and otherwise, and the newly recombined 2020 Reunion and Homecoming and Family and Friends events at Beloit are no exception.

Vice President for Advancement Amy Wilson announced in May that the fall Reunion and all parent and family activities tied to Homecoming and Reunion will be postponed until fall of 2021.

“We will have double the party and programming instead and honor two sets of milestone reunions. We look forward to being all together: in person, in celebration!” she wrote.

Also In This Issue

  • Xinrui Bai’20, Beijing, China, celebrated Commencement by recording his moves atop Beloit’s sign.

    A Commencement Unlike Any Other

  • John Erickson’49 playing basketball as a student.

    In Remembrance: John Erickson’49, Coach, Fellowship of Christian Athletes CEO

  • Robert J. Salzer

    In Remembrance: Robert J. Salzer, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology


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