Fridays With Fred: The Building of Beloit College

The cornerstone of Middle College was laid on June 24, 1847 and witnessed by thousands.

June 24, 1847 was, as one newspaper correspondent put it, “对伯洛伊特和它的新生学院来说,这是伟大的一天……像黎明一样明亮。.” At 10 a.m., 两千名市民和游客在公教教堂集合,然后穿过村庄,来到俯瞰洛克河的陡峭悬崖. 在那里,他们聚集在一个美丽的橡树树林里. After years of hopes and dreams and painstaking plans, 这个初夏的日子终于给这个年轻的社区带来了实实在在的东西.

1945 Middle College Cornerstone

In 1837, one of Beloit’s founders, Dr. Horace White, commissioned a planning map, known as the Kelsou Survey, 是谁想象出了他和其他拓荒者所希望的新城市. 在“运河街”和“液压街”之间,出现了一条“学院街”.从新英格兰向西迁移的拓荒者想要熟悉的制度, including mills, mercantile establishments, churches, and schools. The best Eastern cities also had colleges. Why not Beloit?

Kelsou Survey

The Beloit Seminary began instruction in 1843, housed in the basement of the Congregational Church, 然后位于Broad和Prospect的西北角. 那是一所优秀的预备学校,但还不是大学. 1844年6月,“西方牧师和教会大会”在俄亥俄州的克利夫兰召开. Returning west on Lake Erie, 一些代表聚集在轮船上的一个小房间里, “Chesapeake,” including Stephen Peet and Aaron Lucius Chapin, later elected first president of Beloit College.

查平回忆那次会面时说:“你可能会看到我们七个人挤在那个狭窄的房间里. Stephen Peet, 作为伯洛伊特学院最重要的创始人和首席创始人的荣誉属于他, is lying on the berth, ill in body, 但他丰富的思想一如既往地活跃在规划这个地区的精神利益. 他身边坐着塞隆·鲍德温,当时他刚刚开始他的毕生事业……The Western College Society was fairly organized and Baldwin, its Secretary and soul, unfolds its purpose and plans. There is light and hope in what he says. 来自东方的手将会伸出来帮助建立真正的基督教大学, judiciously located here and there in the West. Peet seizes on the gleam of encouragement, 他说出的想法点燃了其他人的热情和希望. 有认真的协商,有热切的祈祷,有一个既定的目标,十大菠菜台子是一个活生生的概念.”

Chesapeake painting

The men set to work. On August 6, 1844, ministers and educators from Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin Territory, 在伯洛伊特公理会教堂会面,讨论建立大学的问题, 包括在爱荷华州建立一所大学,在伊利诺伊州和威斯康星州边境附近建立一所大学和一所女子神学院. 在接下来的一年半里,他们又赞助了三次大会. 在1845年5月举行的第三次会议上,69名与会者中有68人投票赞成在伯洛伊特建立一所学院. 然后,在10月的大会上,他们成立了一个董事会. 当他们长久以来的梦想成形时,贝洛伊特人感到了一种明显的热情. 伯洛伊特学院现在存在了,但没有场地,没有教师,也没有学生. The Trustees, however, 我们下定决心:“在上帝的祝福下,我们将于1847年秋天开始大学教学课程.”

在一个偏远但正在发展的小镇上建一所学院是一项艰巨的任务. In his Historical Sketches of Beloit College, 爱德华·德怀特·伊顿总统注意到,当时伯洛伊特离最近的铁路干线有500英里. 从芝加哥或密尔沃基开车到伯洛伊特需要大约三天的时间.伊顿将伯洛伊特学院描述为“一个名字,一个希望,一个目标,一个祈祷。.”

Laying of the cornerstone

First, 伯洛伊特市民为学院提供了一块10英亩的黄金用地, by 1846, had pledged $7,000 to fund construction of its first building. Sereno T. Merrill, briefly the college’s first instructor, remarked later that donor Lucius Fisher, “把几堆石头拖到校园里”,表明工作终于开始了. Not long after, as Merrill said, 他们正式破土动工:“让我们跟随人群,与那些有信仰的人站在一起。. 从现在标志着中学西北角的地方移走了几铲土, (和)几块石头……那庄严而令人印象深刻的场面将永远不会被亲历者忘记.”

Meanwhile, the Trustees had prepared a college charter, 由威斯康辛州立法机关于2月2日颁布, 1846. And, under the tutelage of Sereno T. 梅里尔,几个雄心勃勃的伯洛伊特神学院的学生正在准备上大学.

Newspapers began to take notice of the incipient college. One, The American Freeman, of Prairieville, Wisconsin, observed, “We are happy to learn, among other things favorable to this rising college, 那就是在平等的条件下向有色人种学生开放.尽管将近50年过去了,十大菠菜台子才开始招收女性, it was already planning for a diverse student body.

1847年6月,成千上万的人挤在校园的橡树下, enjoyed lively melodies from Beloit’s city band, sang songs, 听了Aaron Chapin对Beloit学院简史的描述, and endured multiple speeches. Afterwards, they moved into the open, 石匠们在那里竖起了几堵看起来很不牢靠的墙, ready for the bricklayers, but with a gap at the southeast corner. 官员们准备了一个“铅盒”作为时间胶囊. The Milwaukee Daily Sentinel 报道其内容为:《真人国际菠菜》, 一本拉帕姆的《菠菜白菜吧》和麦凯布的《密尔沃基指南, the papers of the day and some specimens of currency, metallic and paper.把盒子封好,放进基石里, and after another speech, workmen set the cornerstone in place, where it resides to this day, its date proudly carved in the soft limestone, now worn and weathered. 这座建筑曾经被称为“学院大厦”,我们今天知道它是中学学院.

Middle College in 1860s

The Milwaukee Sentinel 记者写下了新成立的学院的目标:“这是董事会的决心,使奖学金的标准很高, 教学过程和任何一个老学校一样彻底和精确.该报继续写道:“我们真诚地希望它的日子也能如此光明和持久。, as its dawn is full of promise.”

On a cold evening in early November of 1847, 五名学生埋头苦读,接受了拉丁文和希腊文的严格考试, mathematics, geography, and English grammar. 接下来的星期一,11月8日,他们作为第一批学生进入了伯洛伊特学院.

June 04, 2021

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