

Wisconsin’s Department 旅游 lives by its motto: When you’re having fun, they’re having fun. 没人能像1989年的旅游部长斯蒂芬妮·克利特那样体现乐趣. 她是该州头号啦啦队长,也是威斯康辛州的知情人.

她的许多头衔, 过去和现在, include the Green County Cheese Days’ Limburger Queen (where she’ll return to reign over the popular festival in Monroe this September). But make no mistake: Klett is extremely serious when it comes to promoting the dairy state and its friendly people, 美食热点, 户外休闲, 还有古怪的路边景点. We introduce Stephanie Klett and invite you to come along as she takes us on a spin around the south-central portion of our beautiful state. 威斯康星州旅游部长斯蒂芬妮·克利特89年毕业 威斯康星州旅游部长斯蒂芬妮·克利特89年毕业
来源:Lauren Justice

89届的斯蒂芬妮·克利特被全州称为“威斯康星小姐”.这个绰号的部分原因是她确实这么做了, 事实上, 代表威斯康星州参加了1992年的美国小姐大赛. 但从那以后,这个头衔就被保留了下来, 因为她一生致力于突出这个州所能提供的最好的东西, first as the host of Discover Wisconsin and now as the secretary of the Wisconsin Department 旅游.

克利特在伯洛伊特出生并长大,在10个孩子中排行第九, 唯一一个被一群兄弟包围的女孩. She says she was the first person to be baptized at River of Life United Methodist Church in 1967, 从那以后她每周都去教堂, 包括在大学期间通宵达旦.

克莱特对家乡的爱如此之深,她决定留在当地上大学, 她在那里学习戏剧, 通信, 和哲学, 她说她每天在她现在的职位上使用的所有科目.

Stephanie Klett'89 will reprise her role as Limburger Queen during Cheese Days in Monroe, Wis., t... 89岁的斯蒂芬妮·克利特将在威斯康星州门罗举行的奶酪日上继续扮演林堡女王.今年九月.

“如果我有办法的话, 每个美国人都会辅修戏剧, 因为这是你处理任何事情的方式:你正在召开的会议, 或者你正在主持的一个活动, 这里面有一定的戏剧元素,克莱特说。. “我也认为生活很艰难, 如果你受过一点戏剧训练, 没关系, 你可以假装.”

在校园里, 克利特还参与了艾滋病毒/艾滋病活动, 为伯洛伊特的临终关怀和密尔沃基的资源中心筹集资金. She realized that the Miss America program could give her a platform to talk about that issue while using her skills as a performer and speaker and feeding her love for the spirit of competition.

威斯康辛小姐的头衔引起了迪克·罗斯的注意, 他是“发现威斯康星”的创始人,也是她88年在伯洛伊特结识的朋友里克·罗斯的父亲. 老罗斯聘请克利特主持电视和广播节目. Her time on Discover Wisconsin in turn led her to participate in a Wisconsin tourism summit in 2010, when Governor Scott Walker offered her the position of secretary of the Wisconsin Department 旅游. 从那以后她就一直在那里.

“这是一次创造性的冒险,克莱特说。, 她在警局工作时谁能赚到12美元.500万美元的预算变成了1.14亿美元的新闻报道和营销. She created a series of commercials featuring Wisconsin celebrities like filmmaker Jerry Zucker, 足球运动员乔迪·尼尔森, 退役篮球运动员卡里姆·阿卜杜勒·贾巴尔. “但在那之后,我们就想,好吧,我们利用了名人的力量,现在呢? 对我来说,重点是威斯康星州的独特之处.”

For Klett that means culinary tourism, natural landmarks, and the friendly people of the state. 正是这个社区让她不断回到家乡, 一个无论她去哪里, 人们会停下来跟她打招呼,问她过得怎么样. “对我来说,这就是伯洛伊特学院和伯洛伊特的诱惑,”克利特笑着说. “这种社区意识在大大小小的城市中往往会消失. 这就是我喜欢Beloit的原因.”



伯洛伊特学院本身通常被认为是该地区一颗隐藏的宝石, 旅游部长斯蒂芬妮·克利特说, 所以一旦人们发现校园, 他们并不总是继续探索城市的其他部分.

“One of my subtle missions at 十大菠菜台子 was to get my friends and classmates to places in Beloit they would not have known about if they had not been with a local,克莱特说。.

Even those who may have ventured out when they were on campus might not know just how much has changed since they were in school. 无论是第一次来这里, 在威斯康辛中南部寻找隐蔽的地方, 或者尝试在该地区的新景点中导航, Klett为我们列出了该地区不容错过的顶级景点.

道富街和E街. 宏伟大道, Beloit

因为几十年来它一直是这座城市的主要食物, Klett says the Saturday farmers’ market is a Beloit offering that people in the area often take for granted. 每年五月到十月, the award-winning open-air market continues growing and now hosts nearly 100 vendors plus live music, 快餐车, 产品演示. Klett says the market also gives visitors a chance to discover more to do in the region by getting tips from farmers and sellers from just outside of the area, 市场突出了市中心地区新的和值得注意的企业. “I think people who haven’t been to the city for a while are going to be really proud of Beloit’s evolution,她说。.

Beloit农贸市场 Beloit农贸市场

北查理布拉夫路11802号 弥尔顿

威斯康星州,”克利特说. 她建议从巴克霍恩开始,它坐落在科什科农湖畔. 它提供24小时腌制的上等肋排和屡获殊荣的花生酱派. Green Bay Packer Jordy Nelson was featured in an advertisement filmed in Buckhorn that ended up inspiring the first-ever NFL-sanctioned supper club inside Lambeau Field. While sports fans can get a taste of the delicacies at the concession stand at football games, 在过去的85年里,没有什么比原来的餐厅提供的菜单更好的了.


表面上看, 当地人亲切地称之为“Stube”,似乎只是威斯康辛州另一个吃奶酪的地方, 但克利特说,这是该州奶酪凝乳爱好者必须去的地方, 与其他奶酪店不同的是,这家餐厅还专门做奶酪火锅. The entire building is made out of wood with a Swiss-inspired design—it also just happens to boast the largest urinal in the Midwest. 克莱特称其为“必看景点”,毕竟该地区提供了那么多啤酒.

铁厂酒店和1810年 爱默生住宅床 & 早餐

普莱森街500号和爱默生街1810号 街,贝洛伊特

One of the changes to the area Klett says she’s most excited about are the accommodations visitors can now choose from. 在伯洛伊特,她推荐铁厂酒店和1810爱默生之家床 & 早餐, two places she says perfectly bring together the region’s history with modern design. 铁厂得名于1858年在该地区开始的铸造厂,最初被称为美林 & 休斯顿铁厂,后来改名为伯洛伊特铁厂. (酒店的餐厅是Merrill & 休斯顿牛排店.)爱默生之家坐落在居民区,就在学院的东边. 建于20世纪30年代,是送给当地一对夫妇的结婚礼物, Emerson House maintains the Georgian colonial revival style and is prominently decorated with pineapples as a nod to the colonial belief that the fruit is a symbol of wealth and hospitality. 克利特说,这两个地点都代表了这座城市正在看到的复兴和增长.


没有足够的啤酒就不算是去威斯康辛旅行了. 该州的啤酒厂数量惊人, 但克利特说如果伯洛伊特学院附近有一个可以参观, 我是门罗的Minhas. 拉文德和曼吉特·明哈斯兄弟姐妹是世界上最年轻的啤酒厂老板, 而酿酒厂本身, 建于1845年, 是中西部最古老的啤酒厂,也是全国第二古老的啤酒厂. 这家啤酒厂提供十几种独特的啤酒和麦芽酒. Guests can tour the facility seven days a week and stop by the Herb and Helen Haydock World of Beer Memorabilia Museum next door, 其中包括价值超过100万美元的历史啤酒广告, 1800年代石版画, 还有来自世界各地的水龙头把手和酒桶.

沃勒斯海姆酒庄和 酒厂

“当你想到威斯康星州时,你可能不会想到酿酒厂, 你会想到啤酒厂,克莱特说。, “但我们有一些令人难以置信的酿酒厂.” In fact there are more than 150 wineries in Wisconsin thanks to the founder of 劳伦斯赢得酒厂, 他是匈牙利伯爵,后来成为纳帕谷的创始人之一. The current winemakers recently reopened a cave on the property that was used in the 1800s to age grapes and keep supplies out of the harsh Wisconsin elements. Now the space is an exhibit dedicated to the winery’s history as well as part of a distillery opened in 2015 where the property’s wine is turned into another Wisconsin favorite: brandy. 全年每天开放旅游. 劳伦斯赢得酒厂 劳伦斯赢得酒厂 来源:威斯康辛部门. 旅游


整个舒尔斯堡镇, 游客可以买到印有“我在重力山上找到了我的快感”字样的t恤.这种刺激涉及到小镇郊区的一段偏远道路, 在人行道上直接画上了“GH”字样. 司机可以把车挂空挡, 把他们的脚从油门和刹车上移开, 他们的车会倒着开, uphill, 至少以每小时20英里的速度行驶半英里, 似乎违背了万有引力定律.


著名建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特在威斯康星州出生和长大. This self-guided driving tour offers a pilgrimage across the southern part of the state to celebrate nine of Wright’s key buildings (Wisconsin boasts more than 40 in total), 包括一些不太知名的杰作. 游览从拉辛沿着密歇根湖开始, 然后向西延伸200英里,穿过连绵起伏的山丘,到达里奇兰中心, 赖特的出生地, 以及附近的春绿. There, 游客会发现塔里耶森, the estate that includes Wright’s Prairie Style summer home and architecture school near the picturesque Wisconsin River. 4月, Klett received word that Wisconsin’s Department 旅游 was recognized with two national awards for its promotion of the Wright trail, 包括获得银砧奖提名, 美国公共关系协会的最高荣誉. The latest honors bring the Wisconsin Department 旅游 office’s national awards tally to 106 since Klett took the reins as secretary.

市中心的梦露 市中心的梦露 来源:绿色乡村旅游


在威斯康星州,奶酪无处不在,所以很难知道在哪里可以买到奶制品. Klett推荐这个来源,她称之为该州最好的奶酪店之一. Guests can see how the cheese (and some sausage) gets made seven days a week in the viewing hall, 老板托尼·兹拉根周一至周六带领游客参观工厂. Klett says Zraggen is also a professional yodeler and has been known to show off his skills in the store.

贝克曼机 贝克曼机 来源:Rachel Hershberger贝克曼机

这个磨坊建于1868年, 克莱特说,她在大学期间, 这个网站, 就在城西六英里处, 在志愿者参与之前就已经破败不堪了吗. “It was a whole community effort that took this working grist mill in shambles and made it a focal point and really a star among historic mills in the state of 威斯康星州,”克利特说. 该地点还包括一个以新水坝为特色的社区公园, 贮木场, 鱼梯, 还有一座步行桥,旁边还有历史悠久的乳品店, 铁匠店, 老式的花园, 和更多的.


布里安娜·韦伦是一名自由撰稿人 位于伊利诺斯州北部.


  • 贝洛伊特的大胆实验

  • 追求美好社会


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